Fiber Laser Marking Machine can process all metal and some non-metal materials. It can be used on stainless steel, carbon steel, copper plate, aluminum plate and many more. It a best choice for industry needs. The machine has longest service life among all other marking technology.

20 Watt Table top fiber laser marking machine
Marking Area: 110×110 for metal, higher marking area may be opted for non metallic application like marking on plastics.
Application: marking on small area on metal (4inchx 4 inch), large area marking is possible on Plastics upto 12 inch x 12 inch. Ideal for jewelry.
Laser Type: Q switched fiber laser (Maxphotonics )
CAD software: EZCAD Lite
Control Card: JCZ
Starting Price (20 watt): Rs 145000 + GST
Call or whatsapp: 9310620946

20w fiber laser marking machine
Marking Area: 110×110 for metal, higher marking area may be opted for non metallic application like marking on plastics.
Application: marking on small area on metal (4inchx 4 inch), large area marking is possible on Plastics upto 12 inch x 12 inch. Ideal for jewelry.
Laser Type: Q switched fiber laser (Maxphotonics or Raycus)
CAD software: EZCAD Lite
Control Card: JCZ
Starting Price (20 watt): Rs 155000 + GST
Call or whatsapp: 9310620946

30w fiber laser marking machine
Marking Area: 110×110 and 150×150 for metal. Higher marking area may be opted for non metallic application like marking on plastics.
Application: Marking on small area on metal (6 inch x 6 inch). If you want to mark on plastic 20 watt is recommended.
Laser Type: Q switched fiber laser (Maxphotonics or Raycus)
CAD software: EZCAD Lite
Control Card: JCZ
Starting Price (30 watt): Rs 175000 + GST
Call or whatsapp: 9310620946

50w fiber laser marking machine
Marking Area: 110×110 (itching) and 150×150 (itching / marking) for metal. 200×200 (marking). 300×300 light marking
Application: Specially useful for marking on utensils. Useful for marking on all metal. Can be used for itching on small area of metal
Laser Type: Q switched fiber laser (Maxphotonics or Raycus)
CAD software: EZCAD Lite
Control Card: JCZ
Starting Price: (50 watt): Rs 245000 + GST
Call or whatsapp: 9310620946
Application of fiber laser marking machine
Fiber laser marking is high frequency marking (1064 nm wavelength). It is capable of marking on very wide range of materials like all metal and plastic. In this section we shall describe industry specific applications. These are just example to give you picture of the potential use.
- Marking on LED bulbs: Fiber laser marking machine can mark at very high speed on LED bulbs. This application is highly recommended on any scale of LED production. Marking is done in less than a second and unit marking cost is very low.
- Marking on auto parts: Fiber laser marking can do beautiful marking on metal auto parts. It is very widely used by auto part suppliers and after market branding on auto parts. It has cheapest per unit marking cost of all other method.
- Marking on Jewelry: One common application of laser marking is hall-marking. If you are looking for solution for hallmarking you fiber laser marking is highly recommended. It can also be used to engrave beautiful pattern on Jewelry.
- Marking on PCB: PCB need to be marked for components. Fiber laser marking is highly suitable. It is also used for marking on chips
- Marking on Mobile and Electronics: Lot of mobile companies and mobile accessory supplier use fiber laser marking technology, as it cheap and cost effective.
- Marking on knives and accessories: Beautiful marking can be done on various accessories using fiber laser marking. It is specially useful for knives as other method are risky as the can damage the blade.
- Marking on utensils: Making of design on steel plate and thali is common using fiber laser marking technique.
- On the fly marking on various products: On the fly marking is useful on continuous production at large scale. For example it can me used to mark on wires or it can be used on packing machine to mark on the packed product.
Video of fiber laser marking application
Key features of fiber laser marking
- No consumable: There is no requirement of any refill, ink or toner. The machine is lowest on per piece marking cost as compared to other method.
- Contact less: The marking machine does not touch the product to be marked. This has great advantage on marking on delicate products.
- Adaptability: Suitable for wide range of application. Same machine can be used on various application. Machine can also be hand held. It is also possible to put fiber laser marking on conveyors.
- Wave length: of 1064 nm (Infrared A band) is higher as compared to CO2 and suitable for metal.
- Q switch laser technology: In this technology the source generate very high energy pulse of (0.5 mJ to 1 mJ) of short duration (~100 ns). This instant burst of energy is capable of causing evaporation on surface of metal without generating much heat. This also gives marking of very precise size.
- Robost machine: Machine can work in wide range of temperature, humidity.
- Air-cooled: Unlike CO2 laser the fiber laser is air cooled upto 100 watt. Which makes machine more cost effective and smaller in size. Air cooled CO2 are costly and not available in higher power.
- Higher electric efficiency. The machine consumes lower power as compared to CO2 laser. The laser conversion efficiency is much higher as compared to CO2 laser.
- Works on reflective metals: Works well with reflective material like aluminium, copper, silver, gold and brass.
Best Fit Materials
- Carbon Steel: The machine is very well suitable and marks precisely on carbon steel.
- Stainless steel: It needs highly-précised and accuracy on edges marking. So this machine is highly recommended.
- Copper: All copper material surfaces is marked perfectly by this laser machine.
- Brass: Brass surfaces cutting is perfectly done using the fiber laser machine.
- Aluminum: All aluminum utensils and reflective material marking is very precise and perfect.
- Titanium: The surface on titanium needs higher accuracy, so this machine is quite effective and cost-effective.
- Hard Plastic: Fiber laser marking machine can be very useful for hard plastic materials.
Job work using Fiber laser marking machine
Some of our customer use fiber laser marking machine for job work. It can mainly serve corporate gifting products and branding on small items. Job work is charged on per piece basis, depending on time taken on one piece. Current market rate of job work is between Rs 300 to Rs 600 per hour. You can use this range to calculate per piece charge. We have created a small video about job work. You are advice to watch below video if you are interested in job work.
Fiber laser marking samples
Below are some sample of fiber laser marking machine. It can be used for utensils, It can also be used for gift items and jewelry. These are just some of samples and machine is capable of doing much more.

Limitation of fiber laser marking
Fiber laser marking machine is not suitable for engraving on plastic, acrylic and glass. We recommend CO2 marking machine and UV Laser marking machine for these application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Why it is called Fiber Laser?
It is an optically doped fiber made of dysprosium, thulium, ytterbium, etc. It emits the fiber laser beam using specially designed glass fibers and takes energy via pump diodes.
Q2. Which material can this machine mark?
This laser machine is mostly used to mark and engrave on metallic surfaces like titanium, gold, silver, copper, Painted Acrylic, Aerosol Glass, PVC etc.
Q3. Will this machine mark plastic, wood and MDF?
Fiber lasers can mark some plastics and MDF. It works well with hard plastic. But effect is poor on soft and transparent plastics. We recommend you to test the machine for your product. Alternatively if budget is not an issue you can choose UV laser marking machine or CO2 laser marking machine.
Q4. What will be its marking area?
The Fiber laser marking area is 70x70mm, 110x100mm, 150x150mm. 200×200 (marking). 300×300 light marking. When marking area is smaller marking is deep, smaller marking area is also useful if you want to use laser marking machine for cutting application.
Q5. What will be the cost of this machine?
Depending on functionality the lasers are available in different specifications and price ranges in Indian currency. The price range of Fiber laser machine is TBD.
Q6. Will this machine also work on acrylic, leather, and rexine?
Both fiber and CO2 provide clear marks on cast acrylic. Additionally, this machine is also good for leather and rexine based material marking. However, this machine is perfect for metal based marking and engraving needs.
Q7. What is the estimated life of this machine?
The working life of a fiber laser machine is around 30,000 hours to 100,000 hours. So, you can expect its lifespan from 15 years- 45 years with great precision and less maintenance. So, buying this machine can bring maximum profit to your business.
Q8. Can the 50w machine also cut?
Yes, you can use a fiber laser of 50w machine to cut the material. However, for good and high-precision marking and cuttings need it is recommended to buy more than 80W laser fiber machine.
Q9. If it can cut, on which material and to what thickness can it be cut?
Fiber lasers can also do cutting work for thin metals such as aluminum, stainless steel etc. And, the thickness of material can be 0.2mm, copper thickness 0.1mm, etc. However, the laser machine is not fit for higher thickness of materials.
Q10. Can this machine also do hallmarking?
Yes, fiber laser marking machines can also do hallmarking on jewelry irrespective of its different shapes and sizes. However, you can select the best-fit hallmarking fiber lasers. Check out below video for hallmarking
Q11. Can this machine also cut gold and silver?
Yes, using the Fiber marking machine, you can cut the metals like gold, silver, and many others with high precision and marking speed. However, you can select a 50W and above fiber laser marking machine for better results. Watch the video below for Gold and silver cutting:
Q12. Is this machine single-phase or three-phase?
Fiber laser marking machine comes in single phase.
Q13. What is the power connection required for this machine?
Power consumption is very low. It is 300 to 500 watt for 20 to 50 watt machine.
Q14. How much electricity does this machine consume in a day?
So, here we calculate the electricity consumption of the machine.
For the 20w laser marking machine electricity consumption is 500W(for 24 hour of non-stop marking it will consume 12 Unit). Similarly, 50w laser consumes 750w( for 24 hours- 18W)
Q15. What other equipment will be required to operate the machine?
The fiber laser marking machine core components are Galvo scanning system, Focusing system, and Computer controlling system.
Q16. What will be its maintenance?
Fiber laser marking machine require minimal maintenance and its working life is higher. However, you need to go through few maintenance steps below:
- Repeatedly clean the lens with Acetone/Alcohol.
- You can use oil runners with light oil.
- Clean machine bed.
- You must check the water level.
- The mirrors needs to be maintained and checked after every operations.
Q17. What are the consumables in it?
The machine do not have any consumable parts.
Q18. What is the minimum space required for this machine?
Fiber Laser Marking Machine, standard dimension is : 1650 X 750 X 750 Mm. Hence it has a compact size and easily adjustable as per the minimum area.